My car tag is DO BROS. 

I've got two quick stories to tell about the tag. Some of you have already 
heard them.

The first encounter involved me driving along the beach in Gulfport during 
Memorial Day weekend. We have a all Harley blowout that weekend so a lot of 
bikers are in town. I stop at a read light and look to my left. There is a 
biker sitting next to me and he pumps his fist in the air and yells DOOBIES.

The second story involved my family going to see the Doobies in New Orleans. 
Once we parked at the coliseum, a young man approached me. My immediate 
response was he was fixing to try to sell me something. Instead, he tells me 
he has been following me from Mississippi to New Orleans. He didn't know how 
to get to the coliseum and saw my DO BROS tag and decided I was going to the 
concert too. It seems I was the unknowing Pied Piper for two cars following 
me to the concert.

One last story.... I was covering a festival one summer in Biloxi and parked 
behind a car. Their vanity plate read DOBFAN2.

Tim on MS Gulf Coast
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