<< And a question for the Doobs, please. In anticiaption of the upcoming
 release will any of you guys be featured in any of the music mags? As an
 amatuer musicians I would love to hear what's been going down along with
 analyzing some transcriptions of new and classic tunes not yet published in
 tab and std notation.  Thanks, guys!!
   ALSO....along the lines of Steve's question for the band...
  Will there be any music videos made for any singles? And/or, will the new 
release be on video?
  I am getting sooooooooo excited! I just absolutely love The Wildlife 
Video..but I love ALL the Doobie Videos I have. I am just hopeful to add 
another to my collection.  =) Thanks guys....
                  ~::*;~::*;~ Peace, Holly J ~::*;~::*;~
"If at first you don't succeed, plug in a Doobie Brothers CD and try, try, 
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