Sweet memories shared of the Doobies and their concerts are somewhat like
reels of home movie film.  We write them and it's like the list is one big
family get-together where we watch each other's films.   I've enjoyed some
of the most recent concert tales like Craig's and Larry's.  I've tried to
piece together why my infatuation with the Doobies and their tunes has
endured through 26 years.  I can never remember anyone else's music marking
the times of my life the way theirs does!  Then a mental description of the
Doobies popped into my head: a band who sings about trains, love and
Harley's, a name borrowed from a pot stogie, hearts as big as Texas, more
hair than a wig shop,  harmonies like the wind blowing through the trees on
a warm summer day, and enough musical variation to devote to a radio station
that plays "ALL Doobies, ALL the time".  
I can't relate much to the Harley (never ridden one) and the stogie part but
this sums it up.
I don't know if I have anymore reels of memories left.  I think the last
film is on the projector screen going, "clickety-clickety-click"  showing a
blank screen.  What should be done now?  Recycle?  No.  Guess I'll just have
to make some new films.
I hope everyone will keep writing about their concerts.
gina "cinderella" dorman

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