Great, Helen!
My sentiments exactly.  In fact, I'd take it one step further just to set
the record straight:  music is the psychiatrist of my soul.  This is
embarrassing  but, ah what the heck? No one's reading any way!  They're all
at concerts, right!? A couple of days ago, I had this huge panic attack
while driving over one of those colossal over-passes on my way to work.  I
felt like I couldn't breathe and I was going to faint and there was no where
to stop or get off.  The next day, I was afraid it would happen again so I
took my Box Set with me and played through 2 CD's, singing along with all
the songs as loud as I could.  Little Bitty Pretty One came on about the
same spot where I had my attack.  Wrapped in the sweet sedation of my Vegas
concert memories,  my panic was disarmed.  The next thing I knew, I was safe
at work. Do you have any of that tater salad left?
"there's a healing in those guitars"
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