> Subject:      Re: magic moment remembered
        I can remember my first Doobie concert as if it were yesterday.  It
was in 1975 at Jadwin Gym on the campus of Princeton University.  (No I
didn't go to Princeton...I am a Scarlet Knight from Rutgers).  My wife and I
had seats about 30 rows back from the stage.  The band was in the middle of
a tour at the time of the release of the "Vices" album.  (Yeah....some of us
remember buying vinyl.)  At any rate, we were numb from seeing the band dfor
the first time live and certain images remain more vivid than others.
Somewhere about 20 minutes into the show everyone was so into it and
standing up on their chairs and jumping up and down that the floor of the
gym began to sway up and down with the rhythym of the crowd's movement.
Aftefr the song was over, management came on the PA and said that if we
didn't stop jumping up and down the floor would be in danger of collapsing.
Guess what.....we didn't stop.  To the band's credit they played on and th
crowd thrived off their music all night.  The energy in the room was
electric.  During this particular show, I too can remember the pause during
"I Cheat The Hangman" and the following showcase of musical talents on stage
that lead to a crescendo of gongs, fireworks, colored lights, strobes, smoke
(and not just from the liquid nitrogen) and of course the "disco ball", that
to this day lives me goosebumps.  All I can say is that if I thought I liked
the Doobie Brothers before the show, seeng and hearing them live sealed it
for sure.  I have been lucky to have seen the band perform nearly 25 times
since then and priveliged to have met them at various venues around the
country via meet and greets a half dozen times or so.  Each time is like the
first time.  The excitement is still there and will be there again in
Saratoga next month as well.  Each time brings a new memory. Thanks
guys.....and look forward to hearing and seeing you all again in August.
        "Jersey" Joe 

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