While counting down the days until Saratoga, I thought you might like to do something fun. (I hope that you have not done this before, if you have, SORRY). Growing up in the '70's, I owned a portable record player with the speaker (s) attached to the unit (always mono), with 3 speeds 33 1/3, 45 & 78 (Oh, the memories), anyway whenever I got a new album the first thing that I always did was to try to write the words to every song (sound familiar)? Well imagine my surprise when I finally bought a decent stereo and realized that the words I had been singing for years were WRONG. I thought some of you may have had the same experience and would like to share some of your favorites. Mine is:
Road Angel from Vices: "Pinched" her on the hip in case she needed a thrill instead of "pistol".
Waiting for Saratoga and the new CD :)

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