Dear Ann and Helen:  You sweet dolls. You WILL, I bet, meet them and you'll
just die!!!!  That feeling I got when the Road Angel led me back
stage...I'll never forget Pat Simmons standing at the end of this long,
black corridor with his silver flowing was like a near-death

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Asheville Lions Eye Clinic [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:   Monday, August 14, 2000 1:00 PM
        To:     Dorman, Gina (CPS)
        Cc:     Doobie Brothers
        Subject:        Re:  Where Would You Be Now?

        The Doobies have been such a MAJOR part of my life, I CANNOT even
begin to
        imagine where I would be without them! When your life has been
changed by
        the lyrics and music of ONE bands songs you just KNOW in your heart
        there is more to this band than just the music. I have not yet had
        pleasure to meet the band or to carry on a conversation with them or
        families, but the GOOD LORD willing, Helen and I will be on the way
        SARATOGA one week from today and maybe we will be so fortunate to
meet the
        fan club members, the band and possibly a family member or two.  We
        already met some wonderful people through this fan club and I am
        THANKFUL to the Doobie Brothers for their web page and fan club. I
have not
        been a member of this club for very long but have been a fan for 27
        and as a fan we ALL have one common bond and that is OUR Doobie
        There is no doubt among any of us that we follow not only a band but
a group
        of fellows that are genuinely caring, giving,selfless people as
evidenced by
        the many charities that they support and the show that they provide
to the
        fans (90 minutes of CONSTANT rock 'n roll) so YES Gina, a definite
        all that you said and DITTO from Helen. We hope to see many of you
        SARATOGA, if not there, we'll meet one day, this band has survived
30 years!

        Ann & Helen
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: "Dorman, Gina (CPS)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 9:11 AM
        Subject: Where Would You Be Now?

        > Where would YOU be without the Doobies, the Doobie fans list and
the fan
        > club?   It's just a rhetorical question.
        >  After a lengthy and aimless journey through the information
highway, the
        > prodigal has returned.  And do you know what?  NO ONE and I
repeat, NO One
        > loves their fans, plays for their fans, and has a fan club like
the Doobie
        > Brothers!  I visited a formerly pink-haired, pretty-faced 70's
rock star's
        > web site (whose name I shall not mention) and his fan club has a
fee to
        > belong!  Not that I'm a cheap skate or anything.  Just found that
        > interesting. One fan posted on this particular rock star's message
        > stating she came all the way from the northwest to Virginia to see
him at
        > recent concert and have him sign her poster.  He said to her,
"I'll get
        > to you later."  He never did.  Sad, I thought, since the woman now
42, had
        > been a fan since she was 16. Thank god I didn't carry that big of
a torch
        > for ole Mr.Talk Box! (figured out who he is yet?) He thinks he's
hot stuff
        > just because The Simpsons gave him a part in one of their shows!
        > shouldn't be so mean. But, what does he have that Pat Simmons
        > have!!?  Well for one thing, he certainly hasn't done his guitar
        > homework like Pat and John and Tom!!!  And what else do they have
        > nameless rock star doesn't?...  H-A-I-R!!!!  Sorry, I just
        > In less than a year as a member of this fan club, I have had my
        > dreams fulfilled beyond my wildest imagination. Please permit me
to brag
        > you will:  In February, I received a personal phone call from Pat
        > thanking me for a peacock feather earring I made for him.  He
thanked ME!
        > Should have been the other way around. (that phone is now kept in
a shoe
        > in my closet. Shshssh...don't tell the kids!)  In June, I went to
        > saw them 3 times.  "Someone" was very generous. I not only saw
them close
        > enough to see the sweat beading off their foreheads but
afterwards, a Road
        > Angel (she knows who she is) took me back stage and I met her
husband (the
        > Master of Soothe), John, Keith, and Big Mike.  Keith and Katie ate
        > chocolate chip cookies I baked.  The Doobies were true gentlemen
who held
        > real conversations with me and unselfishly obliged all of my crazy
        > shenanigans even after rocking hard for 90 minutes.  Their wives
        > beautiful and, even when far from their homes, have the
hospitality of
        > southern belles.
        >    The sweetness and generosity of the Doobies and their music is
        > infectious.  It pervades the consciousness of its fans.  While at
        > concert, we sat next to a cute little couple (you know who you
are) from
        > fan club who caught one of Keith's autographed drumsticks, and
turned it
        > over to us saying, "we have plenty of these. It's your turn."  I
        > and received several handmedown tapes, pictures, and Doobie
        > other fans from around the country without pettiness or any
        > crap.  As one fan club member put it, "money not accepted here,
        > you know who you are).   And then, there are the toys for those
        > tots---BRB, I need a tissue---snort!---ok---  no doubt those kids
will be
        > inundated with gifts!
        >   Outsiders would call us fanatics.  At times, we laugh at
ourselves.  But
        > has it ever been in vain?  I don't think so.Tommy sing-preaches
the words,
        > "I gotta know know know where would ya be right now, dahlin?..."
Do I get
        > an amen?
        > Bon Voyage to all going to Saratoga and may your Doobie Dreams
come true!
        > Unconditionally Doobified,
        > gina "cinderella" dorman
        > _________________________
        > To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
        > "unsubscribe doobiefans-list" in the body.
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