I have been on this list since the very beginning, and have gotten to
know many of you through it, and at shows around the country.

There really are but two words that express what I feel for the notes
that I have received from my sister and from so many of you - THANK YOU
for well wishes and birthday notes.

If you are interested, read on, otherwise, feel free to delete.

I am now home from the hospital, but, for only 4 days, when I will go
back in for an angiogram/angioplasty for my right coronary artery.  And
then, I will come home until December 6, when I will go back in for the
majour work (they want to ream and cleanme before the majour surgery).

9 years ago, I had a complete tear in my aorta, which many of you know,
is the main artery in the body.  The tear, which was repaired was in the
ascending part, and now, I have another tear, this time in the
descending portion.  In a way, it's like a tiny time bomb waiting to go
off, which is why I am home and on some seriously good medication.  The
odds that it could and I bleed to death are very real.

The surgery is not without a big time risk,  but, it doesn't allow me a
lot of choice (if any of you are interested, you can contact me off the
list)...I either have this, or stand a very serious chance of not
standing at all, and, I accept, that at age 59, the only way I will see
60, is to have the surgery - like, I have no choice.

It appears that I will be away from work until sometime into March of
2001, but I still plan to keep a date with a few people in "The Lounge"
starting March 10.

Kathleen, please let everyone know what's happening, from Mr. Pirkle
down, as I don't have e mail addresses here at home - particularly
everyone on the floor and at the pool....

Nancy, my love to you and David and the kids and I will see you in
March, and we will do Waterfront again, and, I will tell you a very
funny story about it.

Jack, do you really think the Spurs will be in it?

Twinkle Toes - you really do not have any idea how wrong you are, and
someday, maybe we can talk about it.

To my family, who has given me so much support through this, I love you
all very much, particularly the brother that I have always wanted to
have, and the sister who perches so diligently next to my heart.

And last but not least, to Torrey, who will very shortly join me, as the
2nd oldest I (I do believe) fart on this list.  Happy (upcoming)
Birthday my friend.


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