Horray for the Doobster. Plug in a Doobie CD. Closer Ev'ry Day would not

Doobies Rule,

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 4:04 PM
Subject: Doobster is on the mend =)

  Hello Everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  Just a quickie note...I just got off the phone with Doobster. He was 
transfered out of the cardiac care ICU this a.m. Yahoooooooo!!!! 
  He did have to have another little procedure done this morning, but he is 
doing well...although hurting (you can imagine) he is optomistic and should 
be sent home Thursday night or Friday.
  He's still got some intense physical theraphy to go through and alot of 
R&R....but once again, he made it through another life/death ordeal and will

be better for it.
  Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes guys. You are all the best!!!
  Peace, Love and Happy 2001
      Holly J =)
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