Another form of donation that we should all think long and hard about is organ donation.  If, God forbid, anything was to happen to any of us, we could still help several people live, even after we have gone to that everlasting Doobie concert in the sky.  Laura and I are finally getting wills taken care of, and we have it in writing, in the will.  We will also be getting it on our drivers licenses, and letting our family members know what our wishes are.

The little three year old grandson of my co-worker, who died in the house fire, had his organs donated by the families wishes.  Even in their grief, they realized that he still had the ability to make a contribution, and that other little boys and girls could live, even if he couldn't

I urge everyone on the list who has not made plans and arrangements to donate their organs, to do so.  Just getting it on your license isn't enough.  Tell your friends and family. Put it in your will if you have one.

            Hearin' Their Tunes Always Has A Way
                  Of Soothin' Out My Soul
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           Cause Times Are Hard And Work Is Slow,
              But Their Music Keeps Me Whole

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