I agree, this fan club is like a family, each to their opionion and 
direction.  One of the band's points that I like is the positiveness in 
lyrics and direction  it shows by their support of their charities, we have a 
choice to do the same if we want.  I personally hated the Vietnam war and 
prayed every night to keep my twin brother from leaving Cherry Point NC and 
not be involved even though he was a paratrooper and had been drafted while 
the war raged.  I do what I want to help the band and other choices in my 
life.  Each of us has choices and must choice every day we we must do.  This 
FC is a part of our lives, the band is a part of our being, it is not the 
whole encompassing self of anyone (granted I am looking forward to a Doobie 
FIX myself!).  Enjoy what you want, read what you want, support what you want 
and observe others doing the same.....we have that right and that gift and 
thank God we are in a country that allows us the freedom to do it all!

Karen in California
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