No Lori that was not boring. As a matter of fact the part about people not knowing about the new CD is universal. I believe that if you took a poll, even if the majority were Doobie Brothers music fans they would not know about "Sibling Rivalry". This CD, in my humble opinion, is a work of true dedication and love this band has for each other and the music they have dedicated there lives to and it's shameful that little or no attention has been given to it by the record label, DJ's etc. across the country and maybe it will be for us to do.
So with that in mind how do we as fans promote what others have not done up until this point.
Suggestions anyone?
                                "People Gotta Love Again" Tom Johnston
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 2:20 AM
Subject: Doobies in PT

Today I was in physical therapy on ice with those little electric probe
things sticking on me.  I was on Vicodin and just starting to dose, trying to
forget about the pain of the ice and the electrical treatment and all of a
sudden the lady next to me on the other side of the curtain started talking
about the Doobie Brothers to the guy that was helping her with her PT.  My
eyes popped open and I started to eavesdrop.  This guy, I was assuming was
probably in his early 20s BTW.  Anyway, they were talking about how they just
love the sound of the Doobie Brothers and the guy said "I know they are
playing in town very soon but, I can't remember where."  Of course that's
when I had to pop into the conversation and tell them that they were going to
be at the Canyon Dinner Theater (which happened to be very close to the
hospital I was at).  The lady then started to rave about the Doobies and I
mentioned the Fan Club to them.  The lady said well, I'm a little old for fan
clubs and I said that nobody is too old to join.  She told me she was 65
years old.   That's just mature to me, not old.  Old is 90 I said, she
laughed.  I asked if she had bought the SR CD and she said that she hadn't
heard of it.  I told her about it and she said that she was going to go buy
it as soon as she got out of PT and that she was going to also buy tickets
for the show in Agoura.  
I know this was a boring story but, I thought I would share it anyway.

So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Have a Doobieful Day!


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