Title: RE: Weather

Now it's my turn to boast! it is a wonderful day here- blue skies, little strings of white clouds, temperature hovering at about 78 - I am sitting in my office perched in front of the pc with the Doobs playing to me gently on the cd - I mean what more can a gal want???  perhaps another Doobs concert in New Zealand??  hey I can WISH can't I?????

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 2:11 PM
Subject: Weather

How's the weather today, particularly you East Coasters? Not to rub it in or
anything but it got a bit windy here this afternoon. Mid 80's, warm ocean
winds. Nothing like MAUI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to rub it in.

                        Later, Nick, Kat and Peter
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