Hi Guys,

  I hope that you all hook up at The River tonight. I can't be there tonight, 
cuz I have to go and pick up my friend who's arriving from South Africa. If 
someone could keep track of who's there tonight and any good gossip or Doobie 
sightings, I'd sure appreciate it. 
  Have fun!
P.S. For you newbies.....The River is a weekly chat in NBCi that we do every 
thursday night at 10 (est). To become a Member of the Doobie Brothers Fans 
chatroom, just follow the link in my signature. It's quick, it's easy and 
there's alot of fun things to do in there. Check out the photo albums and 
message boards.....GREAT STUFF.   WTG Gina and Dave Noe!!!!!
  ~*~*~*~* Holly J. *~*~*~*~
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