Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 12:40:11 -0500
>From: Miles Lumbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Mr. McD
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>Laurin put me onto the fact that Mr. McD will be playing a concert right
>here in Tidewater, on July 27th (Friday) at the Norfolk Naval Base.  I'm
>going to check around locally and see if I can get the full details.
>So any of you Doobies/McD fans in the general Mid-Atlantic region who
>want to come to the show, let me know.  We'll have us a PARTY!
>Also noticed on Mr. McD's website, that he has been working on musical
>collaborations with several artists including none other than Tommy
>Johnston!  Can't wait to hear that!
>- --
>            Hearin' Their Tunes Always Has A Way
>                 Of Soothin' Out My Soul
>_______________________  _______  _______________________
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> \_____________________/ /    \  _\____________________/
>  \___________________/ /______\ \____________________/
>           Cause Times Are Hard And Work Is Slow,
>              But Their Music Keeps Me Whole

Miles, keep me posted. Cindy is a big MMc fan. She is not too happy with
the date: July 27. That is when she had her car wreck last year. I told her
that I'll get her to Richmond, and she can ride the rest of the way with
Big Daddy Doob! LOL

Slow Burnin' Steve

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