I agree.  I can remember hearing The Doctor for the first time, I was frozen
and excited all at the same time.  We went to a pizza parlor locally for
lunch regularly then and it had that song on it's jukebox.  The owner of the
parlor told me several years later that he wouldn't take the record off
because he knew I would play it daily during lunch and he enjoyed watching me
so happy listening to the Doobies!

I've used thjeir lyrics to help raise my son  (Too High a Price etc.) and my
son knows if he wants something really bad, he'd better be very good and put
on a Doobie CD a little bit before coming in with his strategies to get his
way!  Can't really tell you how often it has worked for him, but it hasn't
hinder his efforts at all!

Karen from California

Married with a 16 year old son who wishes he was at least 30!

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