Hi Wanda!

Welcome aboard!  You will love this group as I am sure your hubby has probably already told you.  Wow, you made quite the move!  I hope things work out and I hope to see you in LA this summer. Take Care,   Glenn


Hi Everyone!!!
My name is Wanda, and I have been a member of the fan club officially for
about a week now, but Jim Adkins my (other half, what other I'm not quite
sure at times, it varies from day to day, LOL) husband has been on board with
all of you for a couple of years now I think.  We have both loved The Doobies
and their music since back in the 70's and maybe him even longer as he is 8
years my senior!  We have just about all the tapes and CD's their are that
have been recorded and some of them VERY old!!!  The real clincher is we have
NEVER went to a concert (Bummer), why I'm not sure, but we are for sure this
year and doing it up right 2 in one week!!! Coming to the Fan Club hoopla in
LA this year.  Now for some info on us!!  I am 40/Female, Jim is 48/Male, we
live in Corona, California, but only have been here for 9 months.  We
previously lived in Greenville, SC for all our lives until last June.  What a
move huh?  2400 miles away from all our family and friends, but we are loving
living here.  I am a stay at home wife (no kids), Jim is a PR person for the
company he has worked for, for over 25 years now called Cryovac.  He does a
lot of traveling over 10 states out here in the Western region.  We would
really love to retire in Maui, Hawaii one day, but will have to see what
happens with that as the years go by.  We both scuba dive and love doing
that.  Have seen so many beautiful things and fish under the ocean that you
would never realize that are there.  It is GREAT!!! Anyone else dive????  We
have a dog/dalmation who's name is Jessie and NO! She does not act as sweet
and smart as the ones on the movie!!! :) She is smart, but only when it is to
her benefit!!! Know what I mean?

Well, hope I have said enough to give you a little info on us, glad to be
part of this group and enjoy reading the e-mails everyone sends.  Can't wait
to meet you guys in a few months in LA!!

Take Care and Have a great week
Wanda Adkins

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