Gee it is nice to hear from you again Gina!  I am so glad you will be at the 
convention too!  Way to go!!!  Glenn

gina dorman wrote:

> Hi Doobs! It's good to drop in and say hello.  How's it going?...... 
>HELLO???....Stand clear.  It's time for a little defribrillation.     Gee, outside of 
>the Doobie list, there isn't a whole lot of fun to be had on the web.   Like lerking 
>on the Step-parents with Fungal Nails Forum or the Wayne Newton Impersonator Fans 
>Chat List.  How's THAT for entertainment?  I, Gina Cinderella Dorman have been busy 
>plotting and scheming what will be my next mission at the upcoming convention.  By 
>the skin of our teeth, Mr. Dorman and I should be there. We've had a few obastacles, 
>but we're still alive. Are you???
> Putting all memories behind me, (eh hem when was I ever  good at  that?) I will 
>forge ahead into new memory-making territory that will become part of my 
>patina-coated collection of Doobie stories.  Will this be the year I meet  Mr. Thomas 
>Charles Johnston?  How much jail time will I serve for dancing and assaulting the 
>lady in front of me with soap bubbles during the concert?  Will Pat Simmons get the 
>Golden Clothes Pin Award for the best folded laundry by a rock star?  These and many 
>other trivial questions await as I anticipate another fun-filled summer vacation 
>spent centered around the Doobie Brothers. I can't wait to present my "special 
>surprise" to the auction and watch faces react.  I can't wait to meet some of the 
>living, breathing people on this list and see some friends again.  And see their 
>faces and hear their accents.  And gather together with them listen to the band I've 
>loved since childhood. LA?  No problem. I'll feel quite at home coming from Houston: 
>the 2n!
d !
> m
> ost crime-infested, polluted city in the nation.  People and music.  That's what 
>it's all about.  Well, whoever's ready, raise your hand and say "yah!!!"  And if 
>you're not going, why not turn the list into a virtual convention? ....was that a 
>pulse I felt or someone pressing a delete key?
> "Jumpin and playin in the middle of the afternoon.  Just havin a ball no worryin at 
> gina cinderella dorman
> Get 250 color business cards for FREE!
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