Quite the babe Scott!

Scott Chapman wrote:

Dear friends Brothers and Sisters, It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you all the newest Doobie Lady family member. She is originally from Korea, and has the most exotic color I've ever seen! What is really cool is that we met at a music store, so there's a lot in common already. Then I introduced her to the Doobies music and she was hooked instantly! It wasn't love at first sight, but after we spent a couple of hours together, we really grew on each other. And before we knew what was happening, I was running my fingers all over her....well, I better not go there...just take a look at her picture and tell me what you think! http://pages.prodigy.net/bcschapman/Maxine/maxine.jpg     Isn't she beautiful!!! I think I'll name her Maxine. (unless any body can help with a better name???) It's my first brand new guitar since I bought my first one in 1975. She's an Ibanez AEF 18 acoustic/electric. She's my first A/E I've ever had too. Now that Barbara's daughter is getting married and has moved out I can set my studio back up and do some recording again! Barbara's really going to miss me... Enjoyin' the ride,Scott

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