Hi Folks,
             I'm new to the list,been a Doobie fan for mucho years,love the music,not a lurker usually(grin),don't post much,like to read the posts,love the band.Personally I think there is nothing wrong with what i've seen so far in relationship to the postings,whether Doobie or non-Doobie related.Anyways,I belong to another list of my other favorite band,and they post the setlists of the shows,whether the band was cooking,crowd reaction,etc..etc...,and I was wondering if that's going to happen on this list from you people on the west coast for us Easterners...would love to see it.
            Brendan(in MA) 

Quite frankly, Gina and Dave..... I'm not really interested in receiving
e-mails about either topic, I only wish to receive those that have a direct
relationship to the band (i.e. concert dates, personnel information, etc.).   
 I get SO many e-mails from SO many different groups, I'd wind up reading all
day.  For example, the "Pollstar Updates" that I always receive from Torrey G
Leininger  is of no value to me, because I'm already on Pollstars automatic
list.  However, I fully recognize that others have a different type of
relationship, and DO wish this kind of traffic.  Therefore, I personally only
ask ONE thing, and that is that everyone make an attempt to use the "Re:" box
on their e-mail, and write that it is a Doobie Bros. list e-mail, and very
briefly what its about.  That way, each of us may make our own personal
decision to read or delete.  I believe that this is a simple thing to ask,
non-intrusive, and leads to greater harmony on the list.  Unfortunately, for
the number of times that I have asked, too many still don't understand.

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