Dear Friends,
I know we have gone back and forth about this so many times, but I just want to say thank you to the kind words that were expressed for Nurse's Day.  Although I am a student nurse, I work at an Elementary School as a school nurse, and on Nurse's Day there was not one mention from anyone.  Well, feeling pretty bummed out, I read the e-mails that night and was very appreciative of the kind thoughts.  It's nice to know that besides all of us being fanatics about the Doobies, we also try to make our members feel appreciated as individuals.  I feel that we are all friends on this list, and when one of us can remember something kind to say to the other, we all benefit.  So thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to actually remember something that was important to me. 
--- Suzanne & Scott Kingsley
--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

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