oh boy this is silly....I'm trying hard not to pee in my pants as I write this. How 
much silliness can YOU handle? "Depends" right? I am once again, OVER THE EDGE OF 
SANITY, Doobs. And you're all coming with me. So put your Sleepy Dreamin shades on cuz 
here goes:
You are on your way to the 2001 convention in LA when suddenly you enter The Doobie 
Zone. You find yourself sitting in a purple nylon bucket-style seat on the set of some 
television game show.  The set is sort of kitchy; late 60's, maybe early 70's.  "How'd 
I get here?" you ask.  Drugs?  Doobies?....probably the later. 
 Purple and orange plastic daisies dot a thick wall that appears to be a type of 
partition between you and something else.  Then, the familiar peppy sound of  Tijiuana 
Brass horns toots the theme song of....THE DATING GAME????  NO!!!  It's The Doobie 
Game!  And your host is.....Ted Templeman????!!!  How weird is this?
If you are a guy, you're worried.  Are you going to have to date a Doobie?  If you're 
a lady, you're going,  "yyyyesss!"  But, the theme show host rattles off the rules of 
the game and instructs you to ask the Doobies behind the wall all of the questions you 
always wish you could ask. Questions must be witty and off-the-wall. If they like your 
questions, you win a free concert in your back yard. Seated on the other side are Pat, 
Tommy, John, Mike and Kieth.  You nervously fumble the paper in your hands with the 
question written on it, "Doobie #1: do you ever do the 8th Avenue shuffle?" you ask.  
Pat Simmons answers, "Every day."  The audience laughs.

If you are currently in The Doobie Zone, please finish this game for me so I can get 
out of my Sleepy Dream!!!I've got to wake up so I can start getting ready for the 
C'mon, Doobs.  Talk to me.  What questions would YOU ask on The Doobie Game?  
Inquiring Doobs want to know.
Gina Cinderella Dorman

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