Title: What the...?!?!

I certainly do apologize to the listserve should anyone have misunderstood my post and I want to clarify any misunderstanding/misinformation that may be out there.

We are not looking to disband the club and have it fade into the land of memories.  Period.  I don't even know where that came from.  I will be the one fading into the land of memories, not the club. 

I do take full responsibility for possibly planning too many events in a short period of time and, ironically, helping to foster a feeling of been there/done that.  However, I have never/will never spread apathy & disenchantment within this club!  Please!  My desire has always been to have as many fan club members as possible on board and participating, taking ownership of this club.  It was been correctly stated, however, that, "if we want to rekindle that spark, it's clearly up to us."...a single person can only create a spark, it's up to the entire club to make that spark grow into a flame of passion. 

Yes, I am burned out and, yes, I am in the process of fading into the background.  I've discussed this with Pat, Cris, and Keith.  Pat's vision was that the club had matured to a point that an actual "leader" was unnecessary.  As stated in my note, individual members would step forward with ideas and present them directly to the band.  If the band agreed with the idea, then that member would present the idea to the club and run with it.  Therefore, a plan is already in place to allow those with "fresh blood and fresh ideas take the wheel for a while" to help rekindle the spark...

A single person can create a spark...

And yes, Damned the torpedos and full speed ahead.


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