--yeeh ha and amen to that one, Stevie and Rog.  19 more days till I do some 
Doobie-Doin and Slowwww burnin in LA town.

Gosh...still can't get over how badly China Grove sucks!! (not the song, the town) No 
music, no samari swords....just a preschool, a paving company and street with an 
embarrassing name! Hope whoever visits Toulouse street will find smiling faces, 
singing Creole girls and doors without windows all shuttered tight.   Sounds like your 
visit to Ukiah was equally anticlimactic, Jack.
Cookin in Katy,

On Sun, 20 May 2001 12:35:03  
 Uncatema wrote:
>Except for a live show or a meet and greet there ain't nothin' better than a 
>home cook out with the Doobies blasting into your own backyard. Been there. 
>Done that. Will do it again.
>Doobies Rule,

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