Sorry for the late announcement, but blood is badly needed for the blood drive.  
Especially O-.  
 I trekked to the donor van outside my office building yesterday and proudly announced 
that a year had gone by since my navel piercing and I was now eligible to give blood.  
I handed the ominous phlebotomist my ID and one of the fan club cards John Rollason 
had made.  "Does this get me in?" I asked.  "No." she replied authoritatively, putting 
away the 16 gauge needle.  Then she laughed.  At first I thought she was making fun of 
my fan club card.  I was about to get hot.  NOBODY makes fun of the Doobie 
Brothers!!!!!  Then she snickered, "Sorry, you're not big enough, honey.  But I like 
the card!"  "Thanks" I said, hanging my head in defeat.  In other words, they don't 
take blood from shrimps.  Try your luck, Doobs!  You may save a life.
Keep me posted if you do.

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