Title: McAfee.com Dispatch - VIRUS ALERT
This HOAX is circulating and should not be taken seriously. You WILL do more harm to your computer if you do what it says then if in fact it was a virus.
Before sending out virus stuff you should always check either:
just to name a few.
Sorry for the intrusion.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 10:15 PM
Subject: Hoax Alert - SULFNBK

Hoax Alert - SULFNBK

Dear McAfee.com Dispatch Subscriber:

An email HOAX has been circulating recently that has received a lot of press and public attention. The subject line may contain "***Virus Alert***" or mention SULFNBK.exe. If you receive a copy of this message, you should ignore it. Do NOT pass it on as this is how an email hoax spreads. You may receive a copy of this message from addresses that you recognize.


There are several versions of this message circulating, in several different languages. The email message may appear in part as follows:

"A VIRUS could be in your computer files now, dormant but will become active on June 1. Try not to USE your Computer on June 1st. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS BELOW TO CHECK IF YOU HAVE IT AND TO REMOVE IT NOW."

"No Virus software can detect it. It will become active on June 1, 2001. It might be too late by then. It wipes out all files and folders on the hard drive. This virus travels thru E-mail and migrates to the C:\windows\command' folder."

The email will also instruct you to delete SULFNBK.exe and to pass the message along to everyone you know.

SULFNBK.exe is a standard part of the Windows operating system and SHOULD NOT BE REMOVED.

For more information about this hoax or for instructions on how to replace SULFNBK.exe if you have already deleted it, click here.

McAfee.com VirusScan Online and Clinic Subscribers: We recommend that you have the latest ActiveShield and DAT files installed for the best virus protection. To download ActiveShield, click here.

Retail VirusScan Users: To download the latest DAT files, click here.


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