On Monday 04 January 2010 14:16:50 John Carlyle-Clarke wrote:
> On 02/01/10 16:34, Tim wrote:
> > I am trying to start kmail via cron but I can't get kmail to start, here
> > is what cron looks like
> >
> > Well here is a list of my cron jobs
> >
> > m...@titan:~$ crontab -l
> > # Delete old thumbnails
> > 0 1 * * 1 $find ~/.thumbnails -type f -atime +10 -exec rm {} \;
> > # spam learn
> > 5 1 11 * * sa-learn --showdots --ham --dir /home/mit/Mail/hants/cur
> > # Spam learn
> > 5 0 11 * * sa-learn --showdots --spam --dir /home/mit/Mail/spam/cur
> > # Stop kmail
> > 0 5 * * * killall -9 kmail
> > # start kmail
> > 15 5 * * * /usr/bin/kmail --check
> > # This file was written by KCron. Copyright (c) 1999, Gary Meyer
> > # Although KCron supports most crontab formats, use care when editing.
> > # Note: Lines beginning with "#\" indicates a disabled task.
> >
> > On the start Kmail line I have tried the following wording
> >
> > kmail
> > "kmail"
> > 'kmail'
> > /usr/bin/kmail
> > kmail -caption "%c" %i %m (this is the command from the start menu kmail
> > icon)
> >
> > Basicly kmail is killed at 5:00am everyday and I want kmail to start
> > again at 5:15am everyday, but kmail won't start.
> >
> > I am using KDE 3.5.10 and Kmail 1.9.9 on Mepis 8 (Debian Lenny)
> >
> > The reason for this is that my PC runs 24\7 and I collect from several
> > e-mail accounts, but sometime on of them goes awol and I won't get no
> > mail through. But when I close down kmail or reboot and then restart
> > kmail there is a deluge of mail from this particular box
> >
> > Any suggestion??
> >
> > Tim
> Hi Tim-
> I was waiting for someone clever to answer, but they haven't, so I'll
> have a go.
> Annoyingly for you, I'm going to say that I think you're trying to solve
> the wrong problem.  This route is going to be painful - firstly,
> starting an X11 program from cron and trying to attach it to the running
> server and the current session is going to be hard.  Also, killing kmail
> with -9 is likely to cause you problems in the future because it won't
> have time to clean up (a SIGHUP might be more friendly).
> Ideally of course, one would try to debug why kmail is freezing. That's
> probably too hard to do on list and would be better done via a KDE
> specific forum.
> One idea which occurred to me is that you could use fetchmail + maildrop
> to replace kmail as your MTA.  It looks like you're using a maildir++
> format mailbox (often just called maildir).  I suspect this may be the
> default for kmail, but I haven't checked.  Can kmail be set to use a
> maildir without having instructions to fetch mail by POP3 or IMAP?  If
> so, fetchmail could fetch mail for you, and this can run as a daemon or
> from cron.  You can tell fetchmail to use maildrop as your MDA (delivery
> agent).  maildrop knows how to deliver mail to maildir and mbox, and has
> good filtering capability.  You could use procmail, but personally I
> think maildrop is a lot easier.
> Googling for fetchmail + maildrop returns some useful hits.  Many setups
> will also have a full mail server like exim, qmail, postfix or
> whatever.  You can have this if you like (you may already have one?) but
> you don't need it - fetchmail + maildrop are sufficient.  Have a look at
> http://www.van-gils.org/~bas/misc/mail.php and note especially the part
> in the fetchmail setup:
>      mda "/usr/bin/maildrop"
> The nice thing about this would be that you could use any MUA (aka email
> program) that can access Maildir, e.g. mutt, evolution...
> Hope some of that is useful.
> John

Hi John

Thanks for the interest, I was offered a slightly simpler solution to my problem

bash -c "DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/kmail --check"



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