On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 15:04:15 -0000, Terry Coles <d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk>  

> I think what the OP wants to do is paste his formulae into OOo and have  
> it display them in some way.  I can't see how to do it, but I feel as if  
> there should be a way.

Unfortunately for this instance, the use of formula in TeX is one of the  
most argued benefits of TeX. It is the reason many academic papers still  
rely on 'real' typesetters. The fact that the setter _can_ display complex  

> I remember doing something like this years ago, where I created the 
> formula, exported it as an image, and then pasted the image into
> my document.

I would suggest this may be the 'easy' solution. I would suggest getting  
familiar with a tool such as tex2gif (or similar) as exporting as an image  
and editing will be much easier than exporting as a pdf and then  
manipulating it.

Re-iterated, the use of complex formula in documents is not easy to  
develop, hence the continued use of typesetters.

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