On 19 May 2010 19:09, Robert Bronsdon <reash...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In general this should be very good news. In practice I'm not so convinced.
> As yet I can't see the downside for the 'general' person. Ask me again in
> 5 years time.
> One fishy element is MS being heavely financially invested in h264 and the
> MPEG-LA, it makes little sense for them to turn their backs at this
> juncture without something being in it for them.
> Sorry to be so pessimistic, as I said "Ask me again in 5 years".
The press release from MS says that they will happily support V8 with a
user-downloaded codec.  I can imagine how easy it will be to find directions
to do this either in IE9 or on the MS website...  Not.

I presume that the spin that Microsoft are supporting this is simply because
they don't want to be seen to be anti-competitive.  They aren't supporting
it, or the codec would be bundled...  it is free and open, after all...

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