On Mon, 24 May 2010 18:18:50 +0100, Terry Coles <d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk>  

> I wouldn't say he is fresh; he's been playing with Linux for some time  
> and liked Puppy because it is so light.

Aah OK. It seemed he was new to Linux and I was worried may have made the  
wrong choice. I'm not convinced I'd use puppy for any kind of 'server',  
sometimes the best tool for the job is the one you know. Again won't push  
the issue.

Looking at the livecd on a virtual machine, yeah its an ncurses based  
iptables confuguration utility. It looks similar to the network  
configuration system in the RHEL text installer. It _not_ the same so I  
wonder if its an ncurses interface from the Debian world...

There is an option to turn the firewall off (or unblock all ports) I would  
go for that for testing purposes. If its being used in a 'safe'  
environment (I'm thinking home here) then turning the firewall off in  
general might not be the worst idea. Personally I've done it on my home  
network. The file/media server has iptables disabled. Makes life much  
easier and I suppose it 'might' have some performance benefit.

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