On Sat, 2010-05-29 at 14:43 +0100, Simon O'Riordan wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-05-29 at 14:24 +0100, Dan Dart wrote:
> > > Networking hobbled.
> > > Kernel crashes.
> > > Feeble standard repositories.
> > > Sound disappears.
> > > Sound controls disappear too.
> > > Can't be configured for Samba.
> > > Video editor programmes 'unstart'.
> > > Freezes at kernel level on boot up-login.
> > >
> > > Apart from that, it's brilliant!
> > 
> > Ubuntu has:
> > 
> > > Networking hobbled. (Occasionally)
> > > NetworkManager disappears
> > > Logoff button disappears
> > > No session management in "System"
> > 
> > Woohoo, distro bashing!
> > 
> > That means I can make mine perfect. :P
> > 
> Those are just the faults I can recall. Believe me, I haven't had those
> problems you mention with 9.10 or 10.04 Ubuntu, and it has worked 'out
> of the box.
> Meanwhile, the SimpleMepis auto partitioning is U/S, and I've tried a
> manual partition which seems to be working.
> It is quite a nice system, and the Wireless connection has one of those
> nice GUI's for ranging. *Like*.
> Simono
Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear oh dear. Look, boys, I've already got a job.
What do I need this grief for?

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