On Tuesday 17 Aug 2010, Terry Coles wrote:
> I don't know what I did, but Amarok suddenly doesn't have a GUI any more. 
> It is working and I can see it running if I run top or ps to list
> processes.   It is currently playing music from my playlist (which happens
> to be the dynamic one, so will go on forever).  I can also stop and start
> the music using the keyboard or the 'Now Playing' widget, but I can't get
> at the full GUI.
> Any ideas?

OK.  I've fixed it.  I took the Windows approach; I uninstalled it and re-
installed it.  I vaguely remember uninstalling something this morning, which 
took out some KDE dependencies.  I suspect that one of those was related.  
Anyway, I expect the GUI was in memory, so the problem didn't occur until I 
retarted the machine this afternoon.

Thanks anyway.

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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