On Mon, 2010-11-22 at 19:30 +0000, John Carlyle-Clarke wrote:
> On 22/11/10 18:05, Tim wrote:
> >
> > I am a cli dunce so please bear with me.
> >
> > Lets say I am working in the terminal screen in the following folder
> >
> > m...@computer:~#/folder1/folder2/folder3/folder4/folder5 mv blah 
> > blah.........
> >
> > Now I want to go back to work in folder2, what the easy command to get me 
> > back
> > there??
> >
> > I have to move a lot of files (1 and 2) between a lot of folders and 
> > retyping
> > the full path everytime is wearing my keyboard out!!
> >
> All the other suggestions are excellent, but let's have some more ;)
> You could use shell variables to remember the paths:
> src=/folder1/folder2/folder3/folder4/folder5
> dst=/folder1/folder2
> Then use cd "$src" and cd "$dst" as required, or mv somefile "$dst"
> (The quotes stop things breaking if the paths have spaces in them.)
> Or, how about doing (in folder5):-
> ls > files
> vim files
> (OR nano files, OR gedit files, as you prefer)
> Delete the ones you don't want to move, then save the file and:
> dest=/folder1/folder2; while read -r file; do mv "$file" "$dest"; done < 
> files
> (That's all on one line but it may wrap here)
> That should do a move for each filename, one per line, in "files".
> Another way is with find, if the files have some criteria you can 
> define.  Find has a lot of options, and can be a bit daunting, but a 
> good pattern to remember is:-
> find [<paths>] [<tests>] [<actions>]
> The default path is "." and the default action is "print", so just 
> typing "find" will recursively list files in the current directory and 
> subdirectories.
> For example,
> find -mtime -1 -maxdepth 1
> Will print file names of files modified more recently than 24 hours ago 
> in this directory only (will not go into subdirectories).
> There are many ways to use this.  You could do:-
> find -mtime -2 -iname 'foo*' > files
> To send all files modified in the last two days matching foo* to a file 
> called "files", and then use the mechanism above.
> Another way is to use the pattern:-
> find <stuff> -exec <command> '{}' \;
> That's a bit odd looking, but <command> gets executed for each file 
> found, replacing '{}' with the name.  For example:-
> find -mtime -2 -iname 'foo*' -exec mv '{}' /folder1/folder2
> (The first time, you may want to do..
> find -mtime -2 -iname 'foo*' -exec echo mv '{}' /folder1/folder2
> )
> (You can probably stop here if this is getting too much, or have a cup 
> of tea and come back ... )
> You can also use xargs, which takes files on the standard input and 
> executes a command, passing them as arguments to it.  There are ways to 
> control what to do if nothing is passed, or how many arguments at once 
> the command can take.  See man xargs for more.
> Here's an example:-
> find -mtime -2 -iname 'foo*' | xargs rm -i
> This will delete all files that find matches.  It's easy if you want all 
> the files chained onto the end of the command, but you don't so you have 
> to use another option for xargs:-
> find -mtime -2 -iname 'foo*' | xargs -I '{}' mv '{}' /folder1/folder2
> Here, -I specifies some arbitrary string which gets replaced with the 
> items being fed into xargs.
> There's one more strange thing you might see, and that is to avoid the 
> fact that here files are 1 per line, but it is technically possible for 
> a filename to contain a line break.  You can make find spit things out 
> separated with a NULL character instead, and tell xargs to expect this.
> find -mtime -2 -iname 'foo*' -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' mv '{}' 
> /folder1/folder2
> One last bit of polish:-
> find -mtime -2 -iname 'foo*' -print0 | xargs --no-run-if-empty -0 -I 
> '{}' mv '{}' /folder1/folder2
> That's probably self-explanatory.
> I know the above look a bit odd at first, but I found I'd learn them one 
> "formula" at a time and each time I needed to do something different, 
> I'd learn a variation, and so on.
> Have fun!

And my wife complains that under MS Windows there are so many ways to do
things and why couldn't they just have one way to do it.

I am lazy. From the terminal I would just type in 'sudo dolphin' and
split the display to move them.


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