On 12/01/11 11:13, Tim Allen wrote:
I have the same requirement and set up a home machine to be an
authenticated SMTP relay over TLS. This then forwards to the ISP
smarthost. It's quite simple to set up in Exim4 - if you want I can put
my notes up on the Wiki. You'd obviously need to keep your home machine
on 24/7 - ideal for one of those netbricks.

I tend to run at least one machine at home that's on 24/7 and that listens for ssh.

That way I can tunnel smtp via my home machine using:

ssh my.home.machine -L 2525:smtp.example.com:25

(Replace my.home.machine with the IP or DNS name of your home, and smtp.example.com with your ISP's SMTP server).

This ssh command redirects all traffic to port 2525 on your local machine to port 25 on your ISP's mailserver, but via your home connection.

I have an extra SMTP profile in Thunderbird that uses "localhost:2525" as the SMTP server.

I did (and still do) run a mailserver at home but find this method simpler and tend to use it more, as it only relies on opensshd.

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