
I recently read that someone had done some tests on formatting text from/to MS Office. They found that changing the font to a particular serif font got the formatting almost exact. Trouble is I can't remember which Linux font it was, I'll keep looking for it. Also they said M$ had changed the newer Office default font to a new M$ copyrighted font to stop people moving away from M$!!
It would be interesting to confirm both the above.

C A Wills

On 19/03/11 09:09, Peter Merchant wrote:
On Wed, 2011-03-16 at 17:33 +0000, John Carlyle-Clarke wrote:
On 16/03/11 09:50, Chris Dennis wrote:

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10.  I thought I'd try LibreOffice, so I added
this to my sources.list: maverick main

Which reminds me, I spotted a neat way to add repos in Ubuntu that's
new.  It may be old news to some, but you can do:-

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice

This will add the GPG key too.


Bye-Bye OpenOffice, Hello LibreOffice

I downloaded it from here:

Works OK, except that I haven't got rid of the file associations on xls
spreadsheets that I have. OpenOffice is no longer in the associations
list, But when I click on file in Dolphin, It tries to open it in
openoffice. I have to right click and select Libreoffice.

Oh, and it really B*ggered the formatting in a students docx file :>)


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