On 02/12/11 13:43, Tim Allen wrote:

I'm often discovering nifty utilities that I'm embarrassed not to have known about years ago. This week it's GNU screen:


Although I haven't really used it, you could also look at tmux which is a more modern utility that does much the same. I think the main selling point of tmux is that it's much, much easier to configure. screen is pretty gnarly, but then again byobu makes it cuddly enough that I've never felt the need.

Really useful console window manager, particularly useful for having multiple terminals open on a remote machine, especially as if you lose connection, you can reattach exactly where you left off. Or set a long process running at work, log out and reattach at home.

More info at


I felt embarrassed when, having used screen for years, I discovered features I'd never known about. For example, it can be a pretty passable serial terminal program. You can also share a screen session from two places (screen -x). You can fit the session to the active window with C-A F. It also has the ability to do split windows. There's probably more I've yet to find too!



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