On Wed, 2011-12-28 at 13:48 +0000, Walter Reed wrote:
> Clive, I too am interested, retired, Wimborne based.
> How about a self help group?
> I am reasonably competent with routers, IP addressing and Wifi.
> I have limited success with Networking and need to spend a little more time 
> there.
> How about identifying the problems
> 1 Ubuntu-Ubuntu
> 2 Ubuntu-MS      with some mutual research.
> Regards,
> Walter
> Ubuntu 11.10, 10.04 LTS, XP & 7.
> Netbook, Laptop, 2 PCs, NAS Drive (little recent use)

Clive, I suggest that you propose an afternoon date sometime early in
the new year, and make sure that the coffeepot works. 

Off-list I guess, as these other guys won't be interested.


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