On Wednesday 28 Dec 2011 22:46:00 Clive A Wills wrote:
> Terry's network list is more complicated than mine but did highlight a
> missing item - NAS Drive - which is another future addition.
> I'm also interested in his remote connection to his Mum, as I have
> started to give PC's to people who have not used them before (the first
> a laptop, next will be the 2 desktops); remote support may be easier!

Actually my remote support for my mother is by email and occasional visits.  
She has a bog-standard Asus EEE, which has very little in its repository and 
certainly not remote connection support.

I know I could install VNC or some such through other means, (I've added 
software to one of these machines before), but it's quite a hassle and she has 
very few issues, so I've never bothered.  (She is a 'worrier' and any time I 
'fiddle' with her computer she thinks that I'm going to break it.)

The main 'support request' I get from her is to release mail erroneously  
caught by the mailserver's spam trap.

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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