As a heavy Eclipse user for programming and a heavy Android user for checking my emails, I find myself missing word completion/suggestions when doing mundane tasks on my Linux box.

For OpenOffice, I have enabled the word completion feature but was surprised to realise that it doesn't seem to start off with any built in dictionary, at least not in my setup? Is it setup wrongly on my box or is this the way it is? While it does seem to learn properly from what I type, it isn't very useful as word completion only works for words with more than 5 letters and it needs to learn words as you type them, rather than being able to offer you choices straight out of the box.

In Kate, I have enabled the plugin, only to find that word completion seems to only work within a given file, not across a session, or even better, across all sessions? Same for Gedit. Not very useful for the way I use those tools (typing draft emails, making short notes about something etc) as I never have long typing sessions on Kate or Gedit.

In Thunderbird, I have looked for a plugin but not found one yet.

As you can see from above, I am still looking for solutions... So my question is: does anybody got any trick/suggestion to share?

I'm not after auto-completion for programming, as Eclipse does that very well, I am only after word completion/word suggestions for good old English ;-) Also, I want something fast as I type quite fast so it has to be quick to be useful to me (as quick as code completion is in Eclipse).

Maybe I'm looking for something that doesn't exist... but one can hope ;-)

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