Hi Keith,

> > A re-install isn't necessary AFAICS.  Boot from other media
> Even easier (to my mind, at least):
> Boot with 'init=/bin/bash' appended to the kernel line in Grub (you
> can edit that grub line when you boot), then:
> # mount -o remount,rw /
> # passwd
> [usual passwd dialogue to change root password]
> # sync

Yes, I agree it's easier, as long as one's happy with just a shell and
nothing else.  (root doesn't need to enter his current password
whomever's password he's changing.)

> Then reboot.

I do find it annoying on Ubuntu that reboot(8) doesn't work without all
the upstart infrastructure up and running;  one's left with no way out
other than power off the PC (mine doesn't have a reset button).
Presumably, anything giving access to reboot(2), which reboot(8)
doesn't, would do.

Cheers, Ralph.

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