Hi Graeme,

> [graeme@handel cgi-bin]$ ./multimon.cgi
> which produced a whole lot of HTML.
> I put that into a file with  .html suffix and opened it in Firefox and
> got the expected display.
> I tried to do the same with upsstats.cgi, and in the generated HTML I
> found the line
> <p><strong>Access to host is not authorized.</strong></p>

So that's two distinct problems?  One is having Apache serve up any CGI
output from that directory and the other is specific to upsstats.cgi.

> The most recent line in the access log is
> - - [28/Sep/2012:13:06:58 +0100] "GET 
> /var/www/cgi-bin/multimon.cgi HTTP/1.1" 404 226
> There is no entry in the error log since 13:00 hrs yesterday.
> Changing the permissions on /var/www/cgi-bin had no effect.
> What bit of software processes a .cgi file?

mod_cgi in Apache arranges for it to be run when it receives the HTTP
request from the web browser.

You're probably already reading through these pages anyway, but in case
you don't have some of them...


ScriptLog in mod_cgi may be useful.

Perhaps show us the section of the conf file you've settled on for

Cheers, Ralph.

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