Hi All

First, can I wish you all a very Happy New Year.

Today we were in PC World looking at the Nexus 7, as my son-in-law is thinking to get one; however the assistant stressed that it was very important to get a good anti-virus software installed (Norton) as so many tablets had been returned/damaged by virus attacks, and it is not covered by warranty. A very long discussion then took place about how vulnerable Android was to attack, because it was 'open source' and the Apps were not controlled, unlike Apple Apps. Well; I gave up trying to say that it was not possible to get a virus unless you accepted the request to run the programme. They were obviously 'White Washed' against open software.

Now I know some of you have the Nexus 7 and would like to know if there are any problems with virus' and if a virus programme is required. Also how pleased/good is it; reviews have all been good. (£199 in PC World and £189 in Argos)

I don't think virus' are a problem but would like confirmation please, to pass on to my son-in-law (he's a Mac and Apple Iphone/Ipad advocate). Also any grips against it.

*Clive Wills*

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