Hi all

Today I bought a small external HD from Novatec in Portsmouth, to back-up my laptop before re-formatting and re-installing the laptop.

Plugged it in and it was not recognised by the system, so checked with Gparted which confirmed it was not formatted. Formatted drive to EXT4 and gave it a label 'CAW1'. For the above I used a MINT 14 'live disk' with Gparted and checked the HD was not mounted.

Now recognised when plugged in, but it will not accept copying a file onto it, reports that 'Copying file error - Permission denied'.
Checked on main PC, same result.

Right click on disk and checked permissions tab; reports are 'permissions not available' or word to that effect.

How do I make the disk available to any person or machine please? At the moment it's a useless block!

Not had this before when formatting a HD. Is it 'ROOT' that's the problem?
*Clive Wills*

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