It look like I will be building a web Kiosk PC for work in the next couple of months and not knowing anything about this sort of set-up\OS I thought I would see if I could tap into some of your knowledge on the lug

What is required is a PC device that only has to access a single web site (which is live on the internet), there will be a need for keyboard input. Network access will be via a supplied 5mb supply with DHCP (the type of thing places like the NEC offer for those showing at large shows).

At present the hardware side of thing looks like an old P4 pentium spec Dell PC, onboard graphics with a 23" display.

I have had a quick google and there are plenty of offerings for web kiosk OS\software but which one is the best to use? Without playing with it I have no idea if it will meet my requirements. If I had a choice a Debian\Ubuntu base would be preferred as my limited Linux ability is from that family of OS's.

Can anybody offer any guidance??


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