Interesting meeting with 11 or 12 attending in the 'snug'.
Ralph helped me out with two problems on my new laptop, one of which we did not find the answer too but he gave me a work-around. I'll leave Ralph to explain the details as it was Printing window box displaying above all other windows, which the 'system' said was not there! The other was trying to get a .wav sound to play in Thunderbird as the 'mail received' alert. The file would play normally directly from the folder at normal level, but was very very quiet in Tbird (could hardly hear it above the others talking and pub music playing. Even at home in the quiet you had a job hearing it). This morning I've fixed the problem! Looking at default settings I found by trial that changing the on-board sound from 'audio stereo' to 'audio stereo duplex' and upping the default sound to 3/4 scale it all worked. I'd missed the adjustment as I'd been looking in another settings app.
Thanks Ralph for your help.
Unfortunately I missed all the other topics, so over to you for updates.
Clive Wills

/Linux & Open Source/

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