Hi All

Playing around with CUPS 1.5.3 on Debian Squeeze. 1.5 has a nice feature to hide job details on the web interface via JobPrivateAccess and JobPrivateValues. With the following in cupsd.conf:

# Restrict access to the server...
<Location />
  AuthType Default
  Require valid-user
  Order allow,deny
  Allow @LOCAL

individual users must log in to the web interface and only see their own job details, but members of SystemGroup can see all job details - nice! However, with the

AuthType Default
Require valid-user

lines, I can't print from remote machines without getting into further authentication complications. I'm guessing I need to use a different <Location > directive that only applies to the jobs pages of the web interface - can anyone advise? Would <Location /jobs> be the way to go or is that going to introduce further problems elsewhere?



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