On Tuesday 27 May 2014 15:34:40 Victor Churchill wrote:
> Hi John,
> I *believe* the installation from ISO will detect the existing /home and
> ask you if you intend to keep it. But it'as a long time since I did this so
> I can't say for sure. As for the applications, I suspect they are going to
> be fair game for the installer to overwrite with updated versions.
> Sorry I can't really assist with your bug as reported: DEBUG failed to
> SystemUnLock() (E:Not locked)  looks bizarre.
> On 27 May 2014 15:02, JD <john.dub...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> > I am unable to upgrade Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04.  I get a consistent error
> > when the upgrade manager is trying to "calculate the changes".  I have
> > logged the problem (See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/
> > ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1311768) but there has been
> > no response.
> > 
> > So, can I install Ubuntu 14.04 from the ISO without disturbing the system
> > state?  Most importantly I want to preserve the current /home and
> > preferably all the applications also.  In the past I have installed to new
> > partitions only.

I have installed over the top of an existing installation many times.  You can 
do it with the following provisos:

1.  You can't do an upgrade; only a clean install.
2.  You will need to re-install any packages that aren't part of the standard 
3.  You will need to reformat the current root partition, so if you have your 
/home files on the same partition as /, then it will overwrite them.
4.  If /home has it's own partition, the installer will find the old /home as 
Victor suggests, providing you use the same username.  I don't think it has 
asked about doing this for a while though, my recollection is that it just 
does it.
5.  If you only have one partition, you can install to a new one and then copy 
your files across, but it's pretty labour intensive.

The moral is; always have at least two partitions in addition to swap (/ and 

I feel that a clean installation to a re-formatted / partition is better than 
an upgrade, although I've done upgrades successfully for some versions.

        Terry Coles


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