On 29/07/14 22:01, Tim Waugh wrote:
On Tue, 2014-07-29 at 15:37 +0100, Paul Stenning wrote:
I think I have an internal 3.5" 1.44MB one here (Bournemouth).  I'll
need to check to be certain but if that's what you want you are welcome
to it as I have no further use for it.  I should have a ribbon cable for
it too.
Thanks for the offer -- that's the sort of thing I'm after. If you
happen to come along to Jelly tomorrow and the drive is easy to get at
before-hand, it would be great if you could bring it along... :-)

There's no hurry for it though, so no problem if not.


I had the same problem last week when I was having a clearout and discovered about 4 boxes of old 3 1/4 discs from my past. It was at that point that I discovered that neither of my computer motherboards had connections for floppy disk drives. The latest doesn't even have IDE drive connections. The floppy drive is still installed in the case, just not connected to anything. I COULD NOT get it to be read by linux!!

It seems to me that I should probably bin the old 3 1/4 drives in my store now.

Luckily my neighbour was cleaning up an XP box for a friend and I was able to recover the few bits that I wanted from these discs onto USB.


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