Hi Clive,

David wrote:
> How did you remove the backup?  If it was via the GUI then I suspect
> it has gone in to the trash folder.  ( ~/.local/share/Trash)

That would be my guess.  Open a terminal from the Live boot, find and
remove the file from that.  Useful commands are

    cd dir -- change working directory to dir
    pwd -- print working directory
    ls -- list files
    ls -l -- long listing, fifth field is file's extent in bytes
    df . -- disk free for filesystem containing working directory
    rm foo -- remove file foo, no recovery or getting it back
    find -name '*foo*' -- search from working directory down for that file

Hopefully, you can find where the backup is now and remove it, df will
show lots of space.  If you find it, but can't remove it, a
copy-and-paste of the terminal's contents with the problem would be

Cheers, Ralph.

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