Hi Tim,

Andrew wrote:
> Tim wrote:
> > Number  Start      End     Size          Type     File system  Flags
> >   1         32.3kB  1021MB  1021MB  primary                     boot

You can avoid those awkward units, by getting it in bytes, with

    sudo parted /dev/sdd unit B print

That then gives you a precise position and size should you need it.

> > If I plug it into my Debian box, it does not mount

After attempting to mount it, have a look at the end of dmesg(1)'s
output for any information from the kernel filesystem modules about what
they did or didn't like.

> 'sudo file -s /dev/sdd*' works here to tell me that I have an x86 boot
> sector on /dev/sdd and an ext4 filesystem on /dev/sdd1. Adding '-k'
> shows more information.

Also, look at its bytes, e.g. the first 16KiB with

    sudo hexdump -Cn $((1024 * 16)) /dev/sdd1 | less

You might find it's a compressed file, inflated into the terminal's RAM
on boot, where it's only then a filesystem image.

Cheers, Ralph.

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